Self-Organizing migrating algorithm see somaalgorithm.com
My research lab NAVY see here for details and video
Very old pages about chaos are here and analytical programming here.
Active research contact with other universities:
Computer Science Laboratory (LCCOMP), Mexico
Artificial Life Robotic Lab ESCOM-UPIIH IPN, Mexico
The University of Memphis, Memphis USA
IP Beja - Instituto Politécnico de Beja, Portugal
The University of Vigo, Spain
Saint Petersburg State University, Russia
Russian Academy of Sciences, Russia
The University of Jules Verne, Amiens, France
The Université de Nice-Sophia Antipolis, France
Indian Statistical Institute, India
The University of Delhi, India
Vellore Institute of Technology, India
Unconventional Computing Centre UWE, Bristol, UK
Tomas Bata University in Zlin, Czech Republic
Petronas University of Technology, Malaysia
TDT University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam
Gained grants:
TACR - Security of Mobile Devices and Communication, a bilateral project between CZ and Vietnam, 2015 - 2017
Research project EU FP7 – PROMOEVO, supervised by PERA UK, co-supervised for CZ by prof. Ivan Zelinka
EU FP5 – RESTORM, BLC – British Leather Centre, Northampton, Great Britain
STEM4YOUTH, H2020, http://www.stem4youth.eu/
TACR - System of Automated Monitoring and Modeling of Groundwater Pollution from Non-Singular Industrial Sources (SAMMWAP), 2018 - 2021
GAČR P103/15/06700S Unconventional Control of Complex Systems, 2015 - 2017
GAČR P103/13/08195S Highly Scalable Parallel and Distributed Methods of Data Processing in E-science, 2013 - 2015
GAČR 102/09/1680, Control Algorithm Design by Means of Evolutionary Approach, successfully closed
GACR 102/06/1132, Softcomputing methods in control, (evaluated as EXCELLENT)
FRVŠ 2039/2007, A, Laboratory of parallel computation
Development of human resources in research and development of modern soft-computing methods and their practical use EE., 2011-2014
Unconventional computational methods in practical applications. SP2013 / 114
Unconventional computational methods in modelling and data analysis SP2014 / 159
Unconventional algorithms - their innovations and applications SP2015 / 142
The teaching of BIA and NAVY subjects in I. and II. Of the Master's Degree Program Information and Communication Technologies - Creation of Materials for Lectures FRVS2015 / 162
Unconventional algorithms in crowd / gamesourcing and computer security SP2016 / 175
Unconventional algorithms and computer security SP2017 / 134
Unconventional algorithms and computer security SP2018 / 177
Artificial Intelligence in Computer Security and Gamesourcing SP2019 / 137
PricewaterhouseCoopers Czech Republic, Zelinka.5863 HS4601605