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  1.  1983 – 1987 Telecommunication company, the technician

  2.  1987 – 1991 Computer technician, head of Department of Computer peripheries, JZD Slušovice, 

  3.  1991 – 1997 PC and LAN network supervisor,  Commercial Bank, Kroměříž 

  4.  1997 –          Tomas Bata University in Zlín

  5.  2010 –          VŠB-TU Ostrava, professor 


Lectures (active or/and closed) in

  1.  Artificial Intelligence

  2.  Applications of Artificial Intelligence

  3.  Theoretical informatics

  4.  Computer viruses and security 

  5.  Theory of Information 

  6.  Applied Informatics

  7.  Bioengineering 


Current and past positions

  1.  2003 – 2010   Head of department

  2.  2006 – 2008   Vice Dean for Science and International Relations

  3.  2010 – professor at VŠB- TU Ostrava and UTB in Zlin

  4.  2013 – Overseas professor, TDT University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

  5.  2013 – National Supercomputing Center IT4Innovations,



  1.  2008 –    British Computer Society, MBCS CIPT,

  2.  2014 –    Computational Intelligence CS, IEEE,

  3.  2008 –    Machine Intelligence Research Labs (MIR Labs), 

  4.  2007 –    Associate Editor of MSE, Hindawi,

  5.  2008 –    Editorial Council of  Security Revue, 

  6.  2003 –    Editorial board - Journal of Computer Science, Riga, Latvia

  7.  2012 –    Editor in chief of Emergence, Complexity and Computation



  1.  1983 – 1989 High school of electrotechnics, Brno, specialization: Measurement and Automatization

  2.  1989 – 1995  Ing., Tech. University of Brno, specialization: Technical Cybernetics

  3.  1994 – 1995  Team management, guided by english speaking lectors, Prague

  4.  1997 – 2001  Ph.D., Tomas Bata University in Zlín, specialization: Technical Cybernetics

  5.  2004 – Assoc. Prof., Tech. University of Brno, specialization: Technical Cybernetics

  6.  2010 – Professor, VSB-TU Ostrava, specialization: Informatics                             


Invited lectures, etc.

  1.  Visiting professor at Ton Duc Thang  University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam, 1.12.2011 - 21.12.2011

  2.  Keynote speaker on Global Conference on Power, Control and Optimization in Bali, Indonesia on 1-3rd June, 2009 (see 

  3.  The Open University Oxford OX1 5HR, UK, 2002

  4.  Lappeenranta University of Technology, Department of Information Technology, Lappeenranta, Finsko, 2003

  5.  Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, U.K, Department of Computing and Mathematics, Burton Street,  Nottingham, NG1 4BU, UK, 2002

  6.  University of Vaasa, Finsko, 9-16.10.1998

  7.  Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica e informazione, Milan, 2004

  8.  Nottingham Trent University, Nottingham, U.K, Department of Computing and Mathematics, Burton Street, Nottingham, NG1 4BU, UK, 2005

  9.  University of Bielsko-Biala, AGH University of Science and Technology Krakow, Polsko, 2006


Gained grants

  1.  see section Research


  1. See Scopus, Web of science and Google scholar ...


Pedagogical activity

  1.  Supervisor of 19 bachelors diploma thesis

  2.  Supervisor of >35 engineering diploma thesis

  3.  Supervisor of 26 Ph.D. thesis, 1 -  FIJI, 13 - Vietnam,  12 – Czech



  1.  see section Awards

Intro videos

About VŠB-TU Ostrava

About Ostrava city



  • Evolutionary computation

  • Artificial life and intelligence

  • Swarm systems

  • Complex systems, chaos and fractals​ and its control, modelling and synthesis

  • Cybersecurity - computer virus and AI

1989 - 1995

Technical University of Brno

Technical Cybernetics (Ing.)

1997- 2001

Tomas Bata University in Zlin

Technical Cybernetics (PhD)


Technical University of Brno

assoc. prof. in Technical Cybernetics


VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava

prof. in Computer Science


2013 –  
Overseas professor, TDT University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam

VŠB - Technical University of Ostrava

NAVY research group

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